Mobile phone use and misuse.

                                         Mobile phone use and misuse. 


In today's era, there are very few people that do not have a mobile or not using mobile phones. Nowadays, mobiles have become a priority in everyone's life, so every person uses them in their daily life for communication, business purposes, and for other activities. In today's world, the mobile phone has completely changed an individual's life.

Mobile phones have revolutionised the lives of people in the past 15 years. The ability to communicate, compute and access content via mobile phones has redefined connectivity and communication. But high-end mobile phones have also become handy devices for criminals, anti-social elements and even terrorists. Mobile phones have their uses and misuse.

Advantages of mobile phones

Mobile phones have changed the way of communication. Before mobiles, there was a use of landline phones or letters for communicating with a person who lives far from you.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

The mobile phone is not limited to communication; it has various other benefits and limitations too. Most people are aware of the advantages of mobile phones. The benefits of mobile phones are discussed as follows -

Social media

In today's era, mobile phones are not only used for calling purposes. Smartphones are said to be a gift for social media lovers. Social media apps like Twitter, Instagram, snap chat, Facebook, etc., are at our fingertips at any time. We can edit and share our pictures and posts on social media directly from our mobile phones. Mobile gives us the facility to access social media at all times.

Most people use their mobile phones to scroll through their timeline of social media platforms in their free time.

One of the old offline methods to promote business using mobile phones is text messages. In today's era, most companies are still promoting their business via text messages. At the end of every message, they put a link to their product page or business website.

Good for people's safety

In today's world, criminal activities happen on the next level, so keeping a mobile phone with yourself is a good safety option. In day-to-day life, we heard about so many criminal activities such as kidnapping, theft, and others, so the mobile helps us in different types of illegal activities, as it is the fastest communicating device. It helps us to call the police and relatives so that they provide us help as soon as possible. which we can use for fast communication

Accessing the internet through mobile phones

It is easy to access the internet by mobile phones. Because of the internet on mobile, people are less required to go to cyber cafés for using the internet, or even they don't have to sit in front of computers for accessing the internet. It is easy to access high-speed internet through mobiles.

Mobile phones can be used for Entertainment

In today's world mobiles are the popular way of entertainment. Newly updated mobiles have big HD displays on which people can watch movies, listen to songs, and can play games. Every second person uses mobile for their entertainment.

Camera in Mobile phones

Latest mobiles include the best resolution cameras that help not to miss any moment to capture. Before mobiles, people used to take cameras with them to capture memorable moments, but now it can be done with mobile phones.

Now, mobiles include both front and back cameras, by which we can take selfies. It is easy to take selfies and pictures from a mobile.

GPS location

It is one of the best benefits of the mobile phone. Mobile gives us information about the current location and destination. Before mobile phones, it was hard to track the location, but after the development of mobiles, it is easy to track the current location and destination. We can select a destination on the map, and it will give us the direction of the ways and also suggest us the shortest route and estimated time to reach there.


Mobiles have the feature of flashlights. Instead of keeping a torch, it is easy to use a flashlight on mobile phones. But the flashlight works till the battery is charged.

Alarms and reminders

We can set alarms and reminders on mobile phones. We can set our routine, appointments, meeting with a doctor, medicine timings, etc., on our mobile phone which helps us to remind all our scheduled tasks.

Online banking

Online banking can also be done via mobile phones. Through mobiles, it is easy to access the bank accounts, checking the account status, and transferring of money from one bank to another. We can also pay electricity bills and others via mobile phones.

So these are the advantages of using mobile phones. Now, let's see the negative side of mobiles. Let us talk about the disadvantages or the harmful effects of using mobile phones.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

Along with the numerous benefits, mobile phones also have various limitations. Let's discuss the limitations of using mobile phones in detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones


Sometimes mobile is a disturbing device that creates a distraction from your work. It is seen in students that are easily distracted from their studies because of mobiles, as the device contains applications that attract users to enjoy their software. One such application is the various mobile games that are being played for a couple of days making people addicted and distracted from their goals.

Ear problems

While listening to songs, watching movies, or calling for a long time with headphones or headset can damage the listening potential of an individual. It has been seen in research that using headphones with the louder hearing sound seriously disturbs the capability of the ears to hear voice properly.

Wastage of time

Although mobiles are helpful in various aspects, it is one of the biggest things responsible for the wastage of time. Most students and teenagers are affected by it. Students want to play games, watch movies, listening songs, and other kinds of entertainment that waste their precious time.

Addiction to mobile phone

Addiction to mobile phones is termed "Nomophobia". In this mental disorder, people are unable to stop themselves from using mobile phones. They even can't imagine themself without a mobile. Using mobile phones too much makes a person addicted to them.


Cyberbullying means sending, posting, or sharing negative, false, and harmful content about someone else. Research shows that most students and teenagers got cyberbullied. Cyberbullying puts someone's life in danger.

Security issues

These are the common issues that happen with mobile users. iPhone IOS is a little bit secure but in android phones breaching someone's privacy and data is easier for hackers. Security issues are the dangerous effects of using mobile phones for people. People faced a lot of problems due to security issues, such as loss of money, image, reputation, and others.

Loss of study

Using mobile phones in excessive amounts is a major disadvantage for students. Mobile phones mostly affect the study of students. Mobile phones distract students from their studies. Students majorly focus on playing games, watching movies, and other entertainment on mobile which decreases their grades.

Health problems

Excessive use of mobile phones causes the health problems such as swelling of the eyes and other eyesight problems. Mobile phones include mental disorders such as Anger, depression, anxiety, tension, and others.

Sleeping issues

Using the mobile phone for an excessive amount badly affects the sleeping routine. People use mobile even during sleeping time. At night, some people stuck on their mobile phone's screen which disturbed their sleeping routine a lot.


People are stuck in their mobiles, even walking on roads, or driving a car. Using a mobile phone while driving causes accidents and puts the lives of others at risk. It is very dangerous to use mobile while driving, as mobile users while driving can injure and can kill other people in accidents.

Distance from relatives

Although mobiles connect people from a distance and we can communicate with them easily, if we do not use them properly, they can create distance from friends, relatives, and family members that are close to us. It is observed many times that the members of a family are sitting in a restaurant and stuck to their phones and not talking with each other

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